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Water, Energy and Environment Department Center for European Studies:
Environment in Canada Where to Where
Date: sunday, June 27, 2021, 10-12 (GMT+4:30)
Keynote speaker: Dr. Vahid Sohrabi
Graduated from the University of Waterloo, Canada with a PhD in Hydrogeology and a Master of Hydrogeology and Geochemistry from WorleyParsons, Canada.
Session Chair: Dr. MohammadReza Khlesi
Faculty member of Tarbiat Modares University
Webinar Link:
Environment in Canada
A Progressive Change over Decades
The industrial revolution introduced significant environmental issues to human society. In the interval of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, first Britain, then several other countries transformed their economies and moved towards industrialization.
Transition to the industrial economy raised questions regarding the balance between the severity of contamination, profit, and quality of life. The heavy use of energy, development of new industries, extraction, transport, and use of massive throughput of material, material transformations, and generation of wastes parallel to lack of knowledge regarding the consequence of industrial activity resulted in significant damage to the environment. As a result, different countries initiated to invest in gaining the knowledge of environmental science and engineering, as well as setting up proper environmental regulations and using them for controlling and minimizing the impact of environmental impacts on our living.
Iran is one of the countries that has chosen to move towards industrialization. As mentioned above, in this process the geometry of industry is going to transform, and, therefore, occurrence and observation of significant impact on the country’s environment is inevitable. The author believes that the example of Canada may introduce some insights into the processes that may assist Iranian professionals and governers to manage environmental issues of the country.
Here, in this presentation, we are going to discuss the story of Canada as a country that initially encountered numerous environmental issues during its industry development. Later on, Canada managed the situation with a quite stable condition. In addition, environmental science and engineering have become an important section of Canada’s economy and act as a protective measure for the economy and the environment.