Embracing Nowruz: A Message of Renewal, Peace, and Development from the Center for International Studies

 | Post date: 2024/03/21 | 
As we stand on the threshold of Nowruz, the venerable celebration that heralds the spring and inaugurates a new year, we, the Center for International Studies, express our sincerest felicitations to our esteemed academic community and all who observe this auspicious occasion. Nowruz, a symbol of renewal, regeneration, and dynamism, beautifully mirrors the awakening of nature, reminding us of the profound transformation within and around us. Esteemed by UNESCO in 2003 as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity and recognized by the United Nations General Assembly in 2010 as the International Day of Nowruz, this festival embodies the quintessence of reconciliation, peace, and human solidarity — values that have been pivotal to civilizations and are echoed in the foundational aims of the United Nations.
As we embrace the spirit of Nowruz, it is an opportune moment to reflect on the enduring message it conveys about the intrinsic link between peace and development. Nowruz prompts us to acknowledge that the attainment of peace is a precondition for sustainable development, and conversely, that true development reinforces the prospects for lasting peace. In this context, the role of the academic and scientific communities is paramount. By championing tolerance, respect for human rights, peaceful coexistence, and the eradication of violence, these communities are the architects of a future marked by sustainable peace and development. Through dedicated efforts in education, research, and the facilitation of scientific dialogues, they lay the groundwork for a more peaceful and just world.
In this season of rejuvenation, let us draw inspiration from the timeless wisdom of Nowruz and the strategic vision of our leadership. As the Center for International Studies, we are committed to leveraging our collective expertise and capabilities to foster a culture of peace and development, aligning our endeavors with the noble objectives set forth by our Supreme Leader. We are poised to contribute to the nation's progress and the flourishing of our academic institutions, guided by the principles of peace, collaboration, and cultural exchange that Nowruz so eloquently promotes.
We extend our warmest wishes for a Nowruz that not only brings joy and fulfillment but also inspires a commitment to collective action. For those interested in joining forces with us in pursuit of a more peaceful and sustainable world, we encourage you to reach out. Your support and collaboration are invaluable as we strive to advance our mission at the Center for International Studies.
May this Nowruz mark the beginning of a year filled with growth, success, and the realization of our shared aspirations for a harmonious and prosperous global community. Happy Nowruz to everyone, may it herald a new era of collaboration and renewal.



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